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Are You Who You Want To Be?: 3 Ways To Reinvent Your Life ✨️

Tonight's New Moon in Virgo is a time to look within and decide what needs to change. As we change season's from Summer to Autumn, we prepare to release the old self to embrace a new version of ourselves.

Our parents had one job, to birth us and ensure that we are looked after until we can look after ourselves, the rest of up to us, we are responsible for the person we see in the mirror.

If we don't like what we see, it's up to us to do the inner work.

Here are 3 ways we can change our own lives

  1. Build a personal altar.

    Create a space just for you. Place things that represent the YOU you want to be. There is no right or wrong way to do this. ITS YOUR SPACE. You can add things like crystals, plants, jewellery, candles etc. I would recommend you add things that represent the elements of Earth, air, fire, water and spirit.

  2. Journalling.

    Journaling is a great way to create and manifest the person you want to be. Choose a journal that symbolizes you and have a special pen or pencil. When writing, always write in a past tense use worlds like "I Am" as if it's already happening or happened. Use blue ink or a 2B lead pencil.

  3. Positive self talk

    How you speak to yourself, or about yourself is the most important of all 3. If you are talking about yourself in a negative way, expect that to be your reality. Remember, you choose who you are.

    Use phrases like; " I am moving forwards towards my goal" or I Am confident" make sure to say it in present not past or future tense, this is YOU now.

Remember there is no right or wrong way to do this, just be consistent.

Happy Nu You ✨️

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