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Indian Gemstone Trees

Indian Gemstone Trees

Artikelnummer: GEMTREES

Indian Gemstone Trees

These Indian Gemstone Trees are handmade from real gemstones and mounted on gemstone rock bases.

If you want wow factor build yourself a Gem Forest display with the different stones. The branches can be artfully arranged, and naturally, they never need pruning or watering!  Available in sizes small, medium and large. (prices vary)


Amethyst~ Has the ability to expand the higher mind also enhances one’s creativity and passion. Great for spiritual protection. Place by your bedside for good sleep.



Carnelian ~ brings joy and friendship, pleasure, and family togetherness. It is a happy and sharing stone, integrating the parts of our communal lives, bringing things and people together. It is a stone of physical pleasure and intimacy. In lighter shades, Orange Carnelian promotes companionship and affection, while the darker crystals deepen the sense of belonging and home. Great for enhancing creativity.


Rose Quartz ~The fair and lovely Rose Quartz, with its gentle pink essence, is a stone of the heart, a Crystal of Unconditional Love. It carries a soft feminine energy of compassion and peace, tenderness and healing, nourishment and comfort. It speaks directly to the Heart Chakra, dissolving emotional wounds, fears and resentments, and circulates a Divine loving energy throughout the entire aura. Reawakening the heart to its own innate love, it provides a deep sense of personal fulfillment and contentment, allowing one the capacity to truly give and receive love from others.


Moss agate ~ As a stone of abundance, Moss Agate is known for its benefits in agricultural pursuits and has been successful in promoting the growth of new crops. Planted in a pot or flower bed, it increases the overall health of plants. Gret to use for connection with nature and to help ground your energy.


Tree agate ~ Tree Agate is a healer of geopathic stress; by emitting its calming and centering energies into the environment.  Tree Agate helps to clear energy blockages in the Nadis (energy channels) to allow for a greater flow of this energy throughout the body. By opening up these pathways, Tree Agate can help connect to the natural cycles in life, thereby opening one up to a flow of abundance and prosperity.


Red Jasper ~ Red Jasper is a stone of empowerment, bringing strength to resist emotional domination by others, and the courage to overcome domestic violence. It also sustains those in the process of healing and recovering from violent sexual experiences. Red Jasper is a perfect stone of courage and strength for a child being teased or bullied at school. It is a bright, tangible reminder and a great confidence.


Rock Quartz ~ This Quartz brings strength and clarity to the intellect, aiding concentration and memory retention, and filtering out distractions. Its hypnotic quality is conducive to sleep, helping one to understand the messages and lessons conveyed during the dream state.


Multi Gem ~ A selection of gems for healing and balancing of the 7 major chakras. 




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