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Rose of Jericho Plant

Rose of Jericho Plant

Artikelnummer: ROSEOFJERICHO

The rose of Jericho is a desert plant also known as St. Mary’s flower or the resurrection plant. It’s most well known for its ability to curl up and become dormant when dry, and “resurrect” or come back to life when it finds water. Rose of Jericho can live for years without water.

The plant’s leaves curl into a ball, allowing it to blow in the wind like a tumbleweed. Its roots stay intact, and when it finds a water source the plant quickly opens up and turns green again until the water is gone.


Santeria and Hoodoo traditions are also both big believers in the power of the resurrection plant. It is used in rituals and on altars for prosperity, love, health, and honoring spirits. Santeria practitioners often use it to honor the deity of thunder and lightning, Orisha Shango.


The rose of Jericho has Christian legends associated with it. In one story, during Yeshua’s forty day stay in the desert he was accompanied by the plant. It tumbled alongside him every day. It was said the rose of Jericho “had been blown away by the Spirits of the Four Winds sent by God.” He was able to survive by collecting the morning dew from the plant and drinking it in order to not die of dehydration. Because of this, Yeshua blessed the plant and proclaimed it magical for getting through hardship.


Another Christian story says the rose of Jericho bloomed and flourished while Yeshua was living, but shriveled up during and after his crucifixion. However, when Yeshua resurrected, so did the plant.




To work this plant’s magical properties, start by holding and meditating with it. Exchange energies and get to know each other. You’ll need a clean bowl or vessel to place water in. Some say it is best to place the plant in river water, rain water, or distilled water, but if tap water is all you have available that is fine.

Because of its association with revival, it is often used to “resurrect” areas of life. Prosperity and money magic, love magic, and health magic are all common uses for this plant.

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